Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
Don't Quench My Spirit
Don't quench My Spirit. My Spirit needs freedom to move within you, among you and across the lands. So don't quench My Spirit. When you realize that you're doing that, ask yourself…
Offence and Forgiveness
When you walk where I've called you to walk and you find that the journey is challenging, there are people that cross your path that can be challenging you, and you have a choice to…
Don't be Careless with My Word
Don't be careless with My Word. Many take My Word and twist it to have it sound…
Flood Waters of Life
When the flood waters of life rise, you have the power to walk on the water. The same power that Jesus had to walk on the water, you too can have walking on the water. And as you…
Be a Good Craftsman
Be a good craftsman. A craftsman has skills and uses them wisely to produce life. That's being a craftsman for…
Rise Up My People
I Am calling My People to arise. I've been doing that for many, many, many years. I'm calling them again to rise, shake off everything that…
The Trickle Down Effect
You've heard the saying, 'the trickle down effect.' Well I want to remind you that when you speak and have your being in Me and walk with Me with others…silently or in speech…you are providing a…
Words Words Words
Words, words, words…so many words being spoken now. You hear gentle words. You hear bold words. You hear nasty words. You even hear My scriptures being quoted, but they're being twisted. For the power behind them is not…
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