Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
Dangle a Carrot Before Them
Dangle a carrot before them and they will come, as the saying goes. I say, dangle My Living Word in…
Bring Me to the World
Wherever there is stress, bring peace, bring calm. Wherever there is sorrow, bring My comfort. Wherever there is anger, bring…
Grow Yourself and Others in Me
Nurture the seeds and the growth that I have planted within you. That the trees grow strong within you. It is a constant journey of…
Taking Steps Creates Momentum
When you go from standing still to starting to take steps then the momentum of taking steps continues to…
Take Action in the Storm
Don't say, "Oh, just weather the storm" or "This too shall pass." For in every storm I Am moving. In every storm you have an opportunity to…
Are You Hiding?
Why are you hiding out? Are you hoping that if you 'hide out' that you will no longer be seen or heard and that people will forget about you? Then you are truly hidden? Well you may be…
New Life Beneath the Ashes
Beneath the remains of a forest fire there is new life birthing forth. There is always new life birthing forth. So when you look at your own life or…
Be My Peace in Calamity
When there is calamity, you be at peace in Me. For when you can maintain that peace in Me, that peace deep within you…
Feed My People Meat
Rock babies. Feed babies milk. But when they are grown, feed them meat. Many Christians are feeding other Christians milk instead of meat. They get used to the…
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