Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
Be a Sleuth
Be a wise sleuth. For in these times much is going on, that you need to discover what is…
Run the Race
You say, "The winners are the ones who come in first!" I say the winners are…
The Stakes are High
The stakes are high! Life or death. Living for Me or not living for Me. Even when you…
In the Twilight of Your Life
In the twilight of your life, there is still much to unfold in your ministry. For as you age, if you have been serving Me and walking with Me for…
I Have Given You Time
Time! I've given you, and will give you, enough Time to finish what I've called you to do. So the Time is…
Words are Powerful
Words are powerful. You can use your words to lift someone up or to tear them down. You can use your words to…
In a Twinkling of an Eye
In a twinkling of an eye, My resounding voice will move through the heavens and earth. And My people will receive their glorified bodies and be…
Finish What You Start
When you start something, finish it. Don't leave it half undone. Many people are very eager to start something, but very quickly they…
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