Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
Don't Boast
Don't boast! You know what it's like when you hear someone else boasting. It's very distasteful. So watch yourself that you are not boasting, in who you are and what you…
Stop Hiding
Stop hiding from Me. Stop hiding from yourself. How can we work together if you are…
Shattered Pieces
Shattered pieces. Each of you have had experiences where you have been left feeling shattered and you feel the shattered pieces. The shards poke at you. The pieces continue to…
Together in One Accord
Together you can make a difference. Together in one accord you can make a difference to so much. But unless you are standing in Me, and standing with…
Learn to Ride the Changes
You've heard a lot lately about big changes, big waves, big episodes happening. I want to remind you that to learn how to ride the big changes, the big waves, you need to be…
The Yearnings in Your Heart
Note that some of the yearnings you have in your heart, I have placed within you. Some yearnings you have placed there yourself. The ones that I have placed there will grow into fruition, should you…
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