Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
All from the Heart
When you give thanks, give thanks from a grateful heart. From your heart give thanks. When you…
Come Travel with Me
You have had many travels in your life thus far. And know that there are many more to come. Every time you travel with Me, you're growing. Every time you…
Hard Knocks are Coming
'Hard knocks' are coming. You don't need to be concerned about the 'hard knocks.' You need to be concerned about…
What are You Standing On?
What are you standing on? What you stand on will determine how steady you are. How easy it is to fall. Fall through. Fall over. You could be standing on a…
The Tell Tale Signs
The tell tale signs of a coward is one who side steps the issue, whatever issue that is presenting itself to the person that is acting as a coward. They may lie. They may…
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