Be Brave - Walk Forward and Stand Strong
Word for April 17th, 2021
Be Brave, My Children, for I have given you everything you need to face into and move forward on the path I've called you to. And Yes there's going to be things on that path that you are going to be called to war on My behalf in My Name. But I have already prepared you to do that. So be brave, walk forward, stand strong! Now be careful that you don't end up deciding you are going to fight something that I didn't even call you to fight. Something that you see and you think, 'oh, that needs to be dealt with or, oh, that needs to be dealt with, oh, well I think I am going to deal with that.' Oh, you are deceived when you do that. You are distracted when you do that. You cause harm when you do that because if I have not called you, then do not go. When I call you, be brave, stand and go forth knowing that you have everything you need. Whether you think you do or not, everything you need I have already given you. It is in the Spirit within you and I will direct your ways. So don't you think you know what needs to happen. Know that I know what needs to happen and I will tell you where your place is in My Plan. Do that, My Child! Do that and go forth!