Do not ask Me for new revelation until you’ve walked in the revelation I’ve already given to you. For if you…
Don’t Run Away
Don’t run away with your tail between your legs anytime evil stands against you. Instead, rise up in My Power within you and…
Evil Plays Games
Evil plays games with you. Play games with your mind, with your emotions, with your…
There are Snakes Among You
There are snakes among you. Some are very easy to see, for they stand against Me in everything they do or say. Sometimes they say the right thing, but there's a…
Use the Right Remedy
Use the right remedy for the situation. When you are being tempted by the devil, then stand against him with the Word, just as…
Hard Knocks are Coming
'Hard knocks' are coming. You don't need to be concerned about the 'hard knocks.' You need to be concerned about…
When You Go to War
When you go to war, remember war is also love. For to war against things that come against Me is…
Don't Waver
Don't waver, but declare your truth! Declare it in your heart. Declare it in your speech. Declare the Truth that…
Questionable Tactics
Questionable tactics are being used in the world right now. So don't take anything at face value, by what it…
People are Knocking at Your Door
People are knocking at your door. You have a choice to let people in or not. Don't open the door to everyone that wants to enter. Ask Me to give you…
Take the Authority I Have Given You
Many people know the authority that I have given them. Many don't. But I speak to you that know the authority I have given to you and I command you to rise up and…
Don't Crash Through
Don't crash through the barriers, but dismantle them piece by piece in a strategic plan that I will give you. You can move through barriers in the Power…
Remove Things
There are things that can trip you up. Be aware of things that can trip you up. But don't respond in fear to them. Instead, deal with them. In your awareness, you now have…
Shellac My Word in Your Heart
Shellac is used to protect wood that has been finely sanded and prepared. The shellac is a protection against things that might come against it. I want you to…
Ring Around the Rosie
Ring around the rosie, pocket full of posey. How many rhymes and fables have you been told over the years that you've actually believed? How many are being told right now? What is the world saying that are…
Battle Fatigue
If you are experiencing 'battle fatigue,' that is because you are not being directed by Me to fight a certain battle. For when I give you revelation to war on My behalf, it is…
Rise Up and Take Authority
I have given you the authority over every evil that you see. Yet you do not take that authority, in the Name of Jesus. Why are you not taking the authority I have already given to you? Why not? Are you not fully persuaded that indeed you…
Silence the Enemy
Silence the enemy. You silence the enemy by taking control of your mind and silencing your thoughts and your emotions that come against Me. When you…