When You are Downcast Turn to Me

Word for August 24th, 2020

Today is a new day, a day to see My Glory. When you are downcast, turn to Me. Take a stand against the evil one who is harassing you in many ways. No matter what his tactics, they are all about him lying, stealing and destroying. That is his mission, but your mission is to the defeat him in the name of Jesus and take your place with Me. Arise in Me. With Me you have overcome, for I have overcome. This overcoming strengthens in the battles. The battle is won, but you have to apply that truth by Faith to experience its truth. Believe, believe, believe. Let me restore you and heal your battle wounds. Keep your mind steadfast on Me, My Word and My love for you. Despite what you may feel, All is well.


Glorify My Name in All the World


Come and Receive from Me