Take My Word Personally, It is Meant for You

Word for August 12th, 2021


Pay attention to My Word. Take My Word to heart. I hear you say to each other things like, "Oh, don't take it personally." Well, I want you taking My Word personally because it is meant and was meant and will always be meant for you. My faithful ones wrote My Words down for you. Take it personally. It is My Love speaking to you. It is My Light shining, showing you the path. It's a Light unto your feet. So when you go to read My Word or hear My Word spoken, pay attention. Know that in that moment I Am speaking to you. It is personal. So when you think you're feeling lost, think you don't know, go to the Word. I've already given you everything, all the answers. Now I know I need to highlight them for you, lol, I see you using highlighters, lol, but I highlight Scripture for you as you read, as you listen, as you speak My Word. My Life flows through them for they are Life. It is the Living Word I have given to you. As I speak to you right now, that is the Living Word. It is My Word. A great, the greatest, the greatest Word you will ever hear and know. So pay attention. Listen and know and then walk, for My Light is the Light upon your feet!


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