Peace I Give to You
Yes, peace I give to you. Peace I give to you. But you play a role in receiving peace. For you to receive My peace you have to…
The Wisemen Followed the Star
The wisemen sought after Me and they followed the star. Use the wisdom that is…
Harrowing Experiences
.In life there will be harrowing experiences. In those experiences you may feel utterly terrified. You may feel like you are free-falling. You may feel…
Remember Me
I ask you to remember Me. So that you would put your mind and your heart and your eyes and your presence upon Me. That you remember what I have...
Trials and Tribulations
Do not worry about the trials and tribulations that are to come. For My Hand is always there for you to take. For I will see you through. I will see you through it all. I’ve seen you through all the things of the past. Look back and see that I was...
In Life and in Death I Am with You
In life and in death, I Am with you. I Am with you always. I will take your hand and call you into eternity with Me when...
I Made This Day
Stop trying to figure out the future. Instead, believe that the future is in My Hands. Turn and be…
Come Quickly
Come into My Presence quickly...quickly...quickly! Do not let things delay you. Things you think are…
I Come in Many Forms
Just like the clouds take many forms, I, the Lord God Almighty, come to My People in many forms, just like in the...
Telescopic Vision
I will give you telescopic vision. So just like what you experience if you look through a telescope with the naked eye, you can see the…
Take Time for Silence with Me
Set aside time to be still, to be in silence with Me. Only thinking of Me, only feeling My Presence with you, for that stillness is restorative. Your mind is so busy. You have so many…
True North
The directions of north, south, east, west... But then there is true north. I Am your True North. So no matter what…
You are Rich in Me
Whether you are rich or whether you are poor, in worldly terms, you are always rich in Me. Again I say, you are always rich in Me. You are rich in My…
Taste and See
When you are offered a piece of pie and you receive it, do you not partake in the...
I Care for You
My Eye is upon you, for I care for you. I care for you, for you, My Child. I Am your Father. I watch over you. I call to…
When You Meet Together
When two or more of you gather together, do you acknowledge Me? Do you acknowledge My Presence with you, for that is My…