Your Breath Spreads Seeds, Speak My Living Words to the World

Word for August 31st, 2021


When you speak, your breath carries seeds out from you into the world. What are you planting? What are you speaking? Are the seeds that come out of you life or death? Is your breath and your speaking being used to encourage and raise up and bring Truth and Love or are your words complaining and grumbling? The world needs you to speak Me, to use the breath of Life that I have given you to speak out My Words, My Living Words to those that so need to know Truth, so need to have hope, so need salvation, so need to know My Precious Son, Jesus, and all He has done for them. How are they to know if you don't speak? Speak! Spread My Seeds into the World!


Be Yoked with Me! Be Superglued to Me!


Walk the Holy Walk with Me to Avoid the Potholes