Bow Down Before Me and No Other

Word for December 22nd, 2020

Bow down before Me. Come My Children, bow down before Me. Bow down to no other for that leads to death. Let no idols be in your life. There may be some that you don't even recognize as idols and you are bowing down to them. You are putting them above Me. Bow down to Me. I am the Lord your God. I am the only true living God. So search, search yourself. Search your life. Are you allowing other things, other people, other beliefs to reign in your life? Check that out! If you're drawn away from Me by other things then that is already an idol or will become an idol. You can't let that happen. You can't let that happen. So search yourself for the hidden idols and the ones you already know. Then deal with them. Stand against those things that draw you away from Me, those addictions that draw you away from Me, those things that you have setup thinking they are more important: 'Oh, I must do this. I must do that. I must serve this person. I must bow down.' You will not say those words, "Oh, I must bow down before this person or this thing," but if you look at your actions you are indeed doing that. You are submitting to other things other than Me. So, the Holy Spirit will convict you of that. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you - what are the idols in your life and then deal with them. I've given you the power to deal with them. So deal with them. Bow down before Me for I am the Living God. I am the One Who can direct your steps if you allow Me to. Allow Me to direct your steps for they all lead to Living Life and Life Abundant; Abundant Life. That is what I have for you. Bow down before Me, My Children.


Come and Know Me


Don't Hold Me Back from Flowing Through You