Come and Know Me

Word for December 23rd, 2020

Come and Know Me
Daily Word

My Child, I am your Father. I am the Good Father, your Good Father and I love you so. Times I correct you, I correct you in Love. Feel the Love when I speak to you, when I correct you, when I encourage you. When you experience My Love and know My Love deeply, then you know how to love one another. As you walk with My Son, Jesus, everyday being led by the Spirit which is within you…experience that love, that gentleness, that boldness. You are learning about Me. I am growing in you and it is from that place that you reach out to those around you. Allow Me to Love you. Spend time with Me. Walk with Me. Sit quietly with Me. Ponder Me. Read My Word. I've spoken to you so much in My Word. When you read My Word from a place of connection with Me, I open your eyes that you can see truly what I am trying to speak. The scales are taken off your eyes and you see and you know and My Word becomes alive in you, and when it is alive in you, it pours forth from you in everything you do. I pour forth from you when you know Me. I know you. Come and Know Me.


I Have So Many Riches of Heaven For You


Bow Down Before Me and No Other