So You have Favourites

Word for February 18th, 2023

So You Have Favourites
Daily Word

So you have favourites.  That is a good thing, but it can work against you as well.  Those that are your favourites are the ones that you feel comfortable with, that you have built a relationship with, that somewhat agree with what you believe and sometimes can grate on you and that can cause you to grow.  Iron sharpens iron.  But there are times when you focusing on your favourites closes your eyes to where I Am calling you to reach out.  There are many around you that may not be your favourites.  Some of them you don't even know.  Some of them you just don't feel like going and talking to them, going and reaching out to them.  Your flesh is getting in the way.  You're choosing what is comfortable for you.  You're choosing to meet your own needs instead of meeting the needs of others, in My Name.  So be careful around favourites.  Yes, it is fine to have those that you want to be around for many reasons, but don't let that blind you to the opportunities where I have called you to minister to others.




The Time Has Come