The Living Word of God
Many would rather be arguing about the theology of My Word, rather than walking daily in the Living Word. The Living Word which is…
My True Church
I reside where My True Church has been built on the foundation of My Word, directed by the Spirit. Individuals and groups that are…
Surrounded by Colours
You are surrounded by colour. Colour on the land. Colour in the skies. Colour in the oceans. In the vastness of the world there are colours. And when you…
The Wide Path or the Narrow Path
There’s the wide path and there’s the narrow path. Many are flocking along the wide path. Many of those believe that is the way. Many leaders (or so called leaders) are…
Who to Invite
Not everyone who crosses your path is meant to engage in your life and walk with Me, with you. So you need to be careful, watchful, listening to know who that crosses your path you are to invite in and who you are not to invite in. It is only by the...
Stand Strong
Stand strong in the revelation that I have given to you and wait. Walking in that revelation, but wait for...
Don’t Get Tripped Up
You can get yourself tripped up by what you do or what others do. You see, it's so important to stay on the path and do what you…
Rumours Abound
Rumours. So many rumours. Everywhere you go there are rumours. You need to be able to know when something is a rumour or…
While Time is Ticking On
While time is ticking on you rise up daily and do what I've called you to do. Come alongside others who you discern are…
Pieces of the Truth
There are many pieces of truth that fit together to make a bigger piece of the puzzle. Remember that you only now see in part, until that day when all is revealed. But for now I want you to…
Together in One Accord
Together you can make a difference. Together in one accord you can make a difference to so much. But unless you are standing in Me, and standing with…
Seek My Treasures
The treasures that you are seeking are deep within you and deep within others. I call you to seek after…
Keep Up to the Pack
Don't trail behind. Trailing behind is not a good place to be. For you can get…
Learn to Work Together
You all have a handicap in one way or another. Some areas that you're not as skilled in as others. So in the Body of Christ, I call you to…
Sail the Ship Effectively
When a ship sets sail everyone on that ship has a specific job. Their job is necessary for the successful sailing of the ship. They need to know their job. They need to know how to work with one another. And they need to be…
Meet with a Friend
Have you met with a friend lately? The type of friend that you can share the depths of your being, your walk with Me, your struggles along the way and your victories. For when you meet with a friend, feeling safe and…
Don't Scatter
Don't scatter! Don't scatter amongst yourselves. When the wolf comes into the flock…tries to scatter. Many tactics causing…