Pieces of the Truth

Word for February 19th, 2024

Pieces of the Truth
Daily Word

There are many pieces of truth that fit together to make a bigger piece of the puzzle.  Remember that you only now see in part, until that day when all is revealed.  But for now I want you to honour the pieces of the puzzle of truth that you know.  But be careful because many try to take their pieces of the puzzle and cut them to make them fit the way they want them to fit or the world wants them to fit.  And then they become deceived and they think they know the truth.  They think they know more of the truth than they truly do know.  So be careful.  Honour the truth that you hold.  Do not try to make it fit something else.  But ask Me to open your eyes to the bigger picture.  When it is time for Me to open your eyes to more truth, I will do so.  So if you come across somebody that is saying, "I know the truth.  I know all the truth," and they're trying to convince you of that, they are wrong.  They need to be humble and know that they have a part of the truth.  And in that part, when they share it, they may be distorting it, for they do not know it all.  So humble yourself before Me and before each other and share what you believe I have told you and then see how it fits or how it doesn't fit.  But don't try to make something fit.  It's a journey.  Embrace the journey and be humble.


In Hindsight


Walk with the Spirit Daily