Choose to Walk the Path I’ve Called You to Walk

Word for February 23rd, 2021


The Way I call you to is narrow and you have a choice. Are you going to walk with Me on that Path I've called you to or are you going to settle for where you are? I call you to walk the walk the Path. That's an action. Some of you desire the Path, look at it and go, "Oh, Yes I would like to do that. Oh, Yes Lord. I say Yes to that," but you don't take action. I have already told you, each one of you, what I require of you right now in this moment to walk. I haven't told you everything. I can't tell you more until you walk in what I have already told you. Those things that you have heard in My Word or the Apostles, the Preachers, the Prophets have spoken and you 'hear it.' If you are not walking that, I cannot give you more. You can pretend that you are doing that. You can deny the things that I have spoken to you. That doesn't work. You want to walk the Path? You want to see More? Then do what I have already told you to do. Pray that your heart be loosen to hear again, to remember again. Remember the evil one doesn't want you remembering anything, wants you always sidetracked, wants you always deceived. Speak against the devil and everything he is doing. You have the authority. Take it! You know the Way. Walk it! And walk it because you desire Me and you know My Love. And as you walk that, you bring My Love which is everything, contains everything. It's your choice, it's your choice, it's your choice. Choose Me! Come on, My People, rise up! Do what I've called you to do and you will see the Glory! You will see Me Work!


Come Away with Me and Receive My Love


Guard your ears, My People - Listen only to Me