Guard your ears, My People - Listen only to Me
Word for February 22nd, 2021
Guard your ears, My People. Guard your ears. I give you this warning today. I know in your heart you want to hear Me. You seek after hearing Me. The warning today is - you are also listening to the evil one, to the world, even to your Brothers and Sisters who are not speaking My Thoughts, My Word, but are speaking lies of the world, of the demons. Be careful! Guard you ears, discern all things that you are allowing to take into yourself, for they are all influencing you. Guard your ears! The Holy Spirit, you want to listen to, My Voice Speaking to you. The way you hear Me - know that Way! So, when you tell yourself, "I need to guard what I am hearing. I need to guard my ears. I need to discern what it is I hear in my own thoughts, as well as others and the world and the demonic;" listen for and hear Me guide you. Be sensitive to Me. Draw near to Me. Abide in Me. Humble yourself before Me. My Sheep hear My Voice! So, My Sheep, I warn you today to not hear the other voices.