Remember my Angels

Word for February 3rd, 2021

Remember my Angels
Daily Word

Remember, there are Angels around you; Angels that I have sent out by My Hand, by My Word. They go out across the land, across the universe. They go out because they have a purpose. They have a purpose in your life. I want you to remember, you have the will to receive every Gift I've offered you because We are in relationship. Something I offer to you, by your will you receive it. By faith, yes, you receive it when you know, which is why I am reminding you today that the Angels are there to be working for you because I have sent them forth. Sometimes they're bringing the riches of Heaven to you. Sometimes you will be aware of their presence, and when you become aware in the moment of their presence, then you simply say, "I receive all that My Father has for Me. All that you have been sent to do - I say Yes!" It's the agreement that they are looking for and you can agree in anytime, because see, they are always there. To say, "I say Yes to all things God has for me and the ways that the Angels are working on my behalf, whether I 'see' it or not - I say Yes!" Some are bringing you special messages. Sometimes the thoughts that you receive are My thoughts and the Angel has brought it to you. Sometimes you will see them manifest as I open your eyes, open your ears - a special visitation for a special purpose. Become aware, because the more you become aware, the more often you will 'know and sense,' just like you 'know and sense' the Holy Spirit. We are all working together. We are all on the same side and it's all the side of - It's All Good…lol…I Am All Good. So when you abide in the Strong Hold, the Strong House under My Wing, there I AM, and everything I have for you I pour out upon you. So remember My Angels. Give Praise to Me for All I that have done for you.


I Call you to Pray


The Bell Tolls