The Realms of Heaven are Intervening Now

Word for February 3rd, 2022

The realms of Heaven are watching. The realms of Heaven are intervening with what you see going on in the world. You know that in the world things are going to get dark. And then you ask yourself, "Why am I so afraid when I know that God is moving?" Well, let me remind you that if you keep your eyes focused on the darkness of what is going on, then that is going to evoke the fear in you. I need you, especially at this time, to be focusing on bringing Heaven to earth by how you walk, what you speak, what you keep your eyes on. For that will catapult Me in working sooner. See, you forget that you and I are partnering together and what you do makes a difference. Oh, I will have My Way, but My Way unfolds according also to what you are doing and what I've called you to do. So rise up My People and keep your eyes on Me and call forth the Heavenlies to be moving on the earth now. Watch what you're talking about. Some of you actually believe that you're doing what I just said, but if you watch the amount that you are talking about the darkness instead of standing in the Light and the Glory of the Light and bringing Heaven to earth…challenge yourself with that. Look at the time spent. Where are you spending your time? Because where you're spending your time is going to speak to how things are going to unfold. I will have My Way.


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