“Hindsight is 20/20” I Hear you Say

Word for February 6th, 2021


I hear you say, "Hindsight is 20/20." Well, I want to remind you that if you are looking to the past, only through your own eyes, believing you see things 20/20 - that is not true. You can only have that which you call 20/20 if you are seeing it through My Eyes, through the Eyes of your spirit. So, when you look back I want you to 'see and know' what I have been teaching you, what I have been revealing to you. So then, those lessons you take with you and walk forward, so that as you walk forward, you walk forward with the Wisdom of the past, not your interpretation of the past, My Knowing of the past. You see, every experience you have is an opportunity for Me to show Myself to you; to teach you what things are of the world, what things you engaged in, in your flesh, in your mind and what things you were engaged with because My Spirit was leading you. You need to sort that out! Because then you 'know' what to turn away from and then you 'know' what to turn towards. You need to learn how to follow Me. You need to learn when My Spirit is leading you. So 'look' at what I've taught you. Ask to see those things with new awareness, for those are treasures. Treasures I have given you. Treasures We've worked together, so that you can take them and walk forward. They become a part of My Light that shines on the path that you would 'see' your way. I don't want you going blindly. Your spirit leads, I'm leading, the angels are leading. All that you have learned is also leading. 'Look and see.' It is a Glorious day. I have made a Glorious day. Everyday is a Glorious day when you choose to 'see' the Glory. See Me, for I am there for you! I Love you!


Rejoice, My People, Rejoice


Be Steadfast in All Things