Rejoice, My People, Rejoice

Word for February 7th, 2021

Rejoice, My People, Rejoice
Daily Word

Rejoice, My People, Rejoice! The only way that you can Rejoice is to remember what you want to rejoice about. You must be remembering Me, My Son, My Holy Spirit. Remember what I have done for you, for others. When you remember, that is your renewed mind. Focus on all that I have done, all that you have seen Me doing, everything you read in My Word. For when you focus on that, the Rejoicing bubbles up from the depths within you. When you remember Who I Am and all that I have done for you, then you are in a position to Rejoice because you remember what you are Rejoicing about. Remember Me and Rejoice this day and always!


Be Still and Know that I am God


“Hindsight is 20/20” I Hear you Say