Be Still and Know that I am God

Word for February 8th, 2021

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Be Still and Know that I am God
Daily Word

Step away from all the distractions and come with Me so that you can be Still and Know that I Am God. I Am the only God. Be Still and Know. Be Still and Know that I Am God. I so want you to Know Me more. You Must Be Still, have times of stillness so that you can ponder, you can hear, for I have new mysteries for you. I want you to remember all of Who I Am, Who I have revealed Myself to be to you already. Ponder those things and they will go deeper into you. They will spring up from you as Living Waters, for everything you Know about Me enters deep into you. Then you spread that Good News to the world. Come and Be Still…and Know Me. The more you do that, the more you develop the skills needed to actually be able to walk in a measure of that Stillness all the time, no matter what you're doing. For that Stillness is still in you and you can be doing what I've called you to do in the world and still have My Stillness. Still be walking in that Stillness, Knowing that I Am God. Because when you Know that I Am God then everything I call you to, you Know you have within you everything you need to do what I have Called you to do! All of that comes from Knowing Me, My Love for you, My Truths that I've revealed to you. Know Me…Be Still and Know Me!


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