'Hunker Down' with Me
Word for January 23rd, 2022
'Hunker down' My People. What do you think when you hear that phrase, 'hunker down?' You think of taking shelter? Maybe you think of gathering food and things you need around you for in your shelter. Maybe you think of standing strong, standing strong in what you believe. Well, when I say to you today 'hunker down' it means all those things, but spiritually. I want you to 'hunker down' into My Word. For My Word and everything I tell you in My Word gives you protection, for I Am the One Who protects you. So when you are 'hunkering down,' you are 'hunkering down' into My Presence, where there you are safe. There I feed you the Word and My Presence. Everything you need is there when you 'hunker down.' And I call you to stand, to stand strong. You draw on My Strength and the strength in you gets stirred up and you can stand strong when you 'hunker down.' So I want you to make sure you are 'hunkering down,' especially in these times, but I have spoken that to My People over all time. But I'm speaking to you right now as a reminder and also as a warning to 'hunker down,' for you need Me now and you need to be so under My Protection and in My Power. For My Power gets released through you into the world, and you certainly see that the world needs My Power. So 'hunker down.' 'Hunker down' in these times. Remember all I've done for you and all I've done for others. That's also another way of 'hunkering down,' reminding yourself of Who I Am and who you are, coming together with others, sharing each others testimonies of how I have manifest in their life. What they 'see and know' becomes an encouragement to you. That is all part of 'hunkering down' - being fully grounded in Who I am and who you are and who each other are. Do you see that in others? Are you calling that forth in others? Are calling others to 'hunker down' with Me and with you? 'Hunker down!'