Awake My Church, Do What I Have Directed You to Do
Word for July 26th, 2020
Awake, awake, awake, My Church. Stand bright, receive My Word. Awake, awake, awake, My Church! Boldly proclaim My Word! Fall not into the worlds temptations, but boldly proclaim your truth in Me. My truth, let it reign in you and it will flow effortlessly into My world. Pray, as you walk, for those you see. Where I open the door, speak as I direct you. As you are with Me, then so I can use you for others. You seek Me and walk in My Spirit, My Church, and I shall move. A move never seen before will sweep My nations. Don’t try to figure out how and when. All you need to do is focus on Me, move in Me, surrender to My ways, lift each other up, come together in One heart, My heart of love, and I shall do the rest. So, look at yourself. Are you doing what I have called you to do? Instead of looking to see what I will do, you must do what I have called you to do, in My name. Don’t look at others and criticize them for what you perceive they are not doing! Look deep in yourself. Be accountable and walk with Me. Don’t be afraid for I am with you, and guide you, and protect you when you humble yourself and call on Me. Repent and turn and I will always be there for you. Come, let us Love and save the world together. I need you. You are My heart’s desire.