I Have Given You Holy Hands

Word for July 19th, 2021

I Have Given You Holy Hands
Daily Word

I have given you Holy Hands. The Holy Hands that I have given to you, you raise up to Praise Me. Those Holy Hands, you use to reach out and touch others, to lay on hands, to call forth My Power within you to flow out and bring them what they need. I know what they need. Sometimes I tell you specifically. Either way, you reach out, for your hands are Holy. Bring them what they need. What they need is Me. I flow through you. Remember when you speak words, the words have life or death. Even words that seem to be 'good words' are void if they are not coming from the place of Love that I have placed within you. My Love flows through you. The power in your hands releases in Love. So My People, receive My Love for you. Grow in My Love by abiding in Me. It ignites your Holy Hands. Fire...Fire moves through you. My Fire moves through you. Embrace the walk and Go Forth!


Stop and Ask Yourself, "Why am I doing what I'm doing right now?"


Resting is an Action