Many are Scrambled

Word for July 22nd, 2022

Many of you are scrambled. You're scrambled because you are listening to so much that does not line up with the True Word. Even many of your religious leaders are giving you scrambled words. They have taken My Scripture...they have massacred My Scripture and they deliver it to you to feed on. You're scrambled because you can't discern what is Truth and what is not truth. The only way that you will know, that you know, that you know, is to seek Me with all of your mind, your heart and all of your strength. For when you seek the scriptures on your own in that place of 'all of your heart,' then you will know. Then when you listen to others, what they say will either ring true to you in your spirit or it will not. So come back to Me. Come back to the true Source of Truth.


Shake Off the Dust and Get Going


Don't Compare Yourself to Others