My Desire is that you Know Me, Not just Know About Me

Word for July 25th, 2021

My Desire is that you Know Me, Not just Know About Me
Daily Word

My desire is that you Know Me, not that you just know about Me, which sets Me apart. I want you to know Me. That is a matter of the heart, to know Me. It is also My Son's desire. He prayed that while He was still on earth with you. That He desired that you would have the same relationship that He has with Me...That Oneness. I want you to know Me, to know Me more, to love Me more, to share with Me more, to walk with Me more. I also want to remind you that it is good for you to expect Jesus' return, to expect that and stand on that promise, but it's not OK when you are so focused on that, that you forget that you have work to do here that I have called you to do. So don't just get 'hyped up' about My Son's return. Be walking, be serving, be doing what I've called you to do. When you're just 'hyped up' about something, you've taken your eyes off of what is really going on right now. So how is it you know what is going on right now? You listen to the Holy Spirit. You read My Word that becomes enlightened to you by the Holy Spirit in you. That's where I want you focused. It is good to celebrate. It is good to worship. It is good to expect, but when you do that it should fire you up for your daily walk in serving Me. Come together in one accord and serve Me! Don't just talk about Me! Be in relationship with Me! Walk with Me!


Stir Up My Holy Fire in You


There's No Better Way than My Way