I Give You Rest, Receive My Rest

Word for March 9th, 2022

When I give you time to rest...rest. I lead you beside the still waters. I restore your soul. But if you do not take the rest I offer to you, if you do not recognize when I'm offering you rest, and you go running off doing your 'good works,' sometimes believing you're unfolding what I've called you to do… You're only unfolding what I've called you to do, if you're doing it being led by the Spirit and in the strength I give you. That is so key, My Children. Learn to listen to when I call you and then I give you direction as to which way to go and how to go. So don't just get the instruction initially and run off. Wait. Listen. Go when and where I’ve called you to go in the timing I've called you to go in. I lead you beside the still waters. I restore your soul. If you're tired, if you're weary, then call on Me. I will not only give you what you need in the moment, but should you be listening, I'll also tell you where you went off track, where you missed Me offering to you to walk beside the still waters and to restore your soul.


Stop Harming One Another


Don't Doubt that I Love You