The Rivalry Among You Most Stop

Word for May 17th, 2021


The rivalry among you must stop. For I have not called you to fight amongst yourself, to fight against yourself. I've called you as warriors to fight against the evil one. Stop fighting with each other. You are better than that, for you are My Righteous. You are My Sons and Daughters. I have given you everything you need to rise up and be the warrior I've called you to be - the Righteous Warrior, warring in Love. Cast down within yourself all the rivalry that you are activating in yourself against one another; in thoughts, in deeds. Stop it! Come together as One. Come together in One Body. This is not new to you. I have repeatedly said that in My Word. Come together as One, One Body. Well, you cannot come together in One Body if you have rivalry against each other. Come...come Be who I've called you to Be. Come together in one accord! There is Victory!


Release My Fire


Don't You Judge the Wicked, I AM the Judge