I Have Given You Puzzle Pieces for Your Life and My Great Plan

Word for May 26th, 2021

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I Have Given You Puzzle Pieces for Your Life and My Great Plan
Daily Word

I have given you many puzzle pieces. Puzzle pieces for your life. Puzzle pieces that fit together in the Body of Christ. Your puzzle pieces that I have given to you, you have received from My Word, from the gifts of the Spirit speaking to you through others, for Me speaking to you. Those puzzle pieces - I don't want you trying to figure out how to put them together, because you can't put them together. You can't put them together. What you need to be doing is looking at the puzzle pieces. Looking at the things I've spoken to you. Looking at the revelation that you have that I have given to you. You need to be looking at them, remembering them and receiving them. I want you to check in yourself whether over your life you have received puzzle pieces from Me that you've put aside. That right now you are looking at the puzzle pieces, some of them, and you're not seeing how that comes together. Well, part of 'seeing and knowing' is to gather all the puzzle pieces before you. And you may see an outline. You may see different colours that you know, 'Oh, those fit together,' but you do not know how to put them together unless I show you by My Power. So don't try to figure out. Let Me show you. Let My Power move through you to then put the pieces together. But I want you to ask yourself, to be honest with yourself - are there things that I have told you over your life that you have let slide, that you have thought, 'Oh, that wasn't anything. Oh, that can't possibly happen now.' Oh, nothing is impossible. I hear you saying that. Do you believe it? That nothing is impossible when My Hand is moving? Because right now My Hand is moving. I Am moving! I Am moving puzzle pieces in your life and in others lives and in the world. Some of you 'see it and know it.' Some of you 'see it and know it' more than others. Some of you want to see it and believe you are seeing it. The only way you can truly 'see' that is in the Spirit. The only way you can truly 'see' that is to be pondering the things I've already told you. Those are all inroads to the Spirit. So go back to what I have spoken to you. Remember! Remember My Son! Remember the call on your life! Remember, pick up the stranded pieces! Gather them together! Pray over them! Speak them to come together in My Name!


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Be Still and Know that I Am God