The 'Suddenlies' are About to Happen, Celebrate Now!

Word for May 27th, 2021


The 'suddenlies' are going to happen. The 'suddenlies' that you have been praying for, having faith for, hoping for, decreeing for. The 'suddenlies' are about to happen. You are seeing some of them already. You are seeing some little ones here and there and even the little ones cause you to jump for Joy. Well, the big 'suddenlies' are going to be happening soon. I want you Jumping for Joy now! I want you so stirred up inside yourself and the Fire of the Holy Spirit moving in you. I want you to have that kind of Joy Now! I call you to be Joyful, to Praise, to Celebrate because I Am Moving! I Am Moving! Keep your eyes on the skies for I Am Moving! Keep your awareness on what you're sensing in the Spirit that is going on. The only way to do that is to Be in the Spirit to sense what is going on, what is really going on, what is really important right now. Keep your eyes, keep your heart, keep your Being focused on Me and Celebrate. Celebrate Now! The 'suddenlies' are about the happen!


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