Check Your Foundation for Cracks
Word for May 3rd, 2021
Check your foundation. Check your foundation and see if there are any cracks, if there is any water leaks, if it is starting to erode. Go check your foundation. When you chose to receive My Son, you were standing on the bedrock and you built your foundation from that place with the Power of the Holy Spirit. But it may be, that over time, there've become cracks in that foundation. Times where you chose not to follow My Ways, to follow some of My Ways, but not all of My Ways. Now, My Grace covers those things that you have not understood up to this time because I am revealing them to you. But those things that I have revealed to you, that you knew, at one point you knew the truth, but you gave up on it. You gave up on some aspect of My Truth and then the evil one started to work, work away at your foundation. Oh, he can be very subtle, and then there is a crack, and then his evil ways start to trickle in and erode. Well, I call you today to call on the Holy Spirit to show you where those cracks are and if there is any cracks, and how big the cracks are, and the source of the cracks. And fall down before Me and repent. Turn away from those unholy ways and turn towards Me and then My Power, the Power of the Holy Spirit, will rise up in you and you will speak to your foundation to be whole and be restored in the Mighty Name of Jesus. So, My People, rise up. Check your foundations. Now is the time. Don't wait any longer to do what you know I have already called you to do. The Power is within you to do it.