I Speak to You Again About Repentance

Word for November 1st, 2020

Today, I speak to you again about repentance. Repentance is the doorway from sin to Grace and Mercy, to forgiveness. It is the way to become free from the sin. Jesus was tempted by everything that you find yourself tempted by, yet He did not sin, and He sits in the High Throne. You also sit there, but you have to remember that and you have to go there. From that place all evil is under your feet. So when you are trapped in sin, because you have allowed sin to take hold of you - you cannot fix that yourself. The world cannot fix that yourself. You must repent. Call on the name of the Lord. Call out for My Son. Humble yourself. Go to the Throne Room. There you are free. There you are forgiven. So remember, you sit with Jesus. You are there with Him. So My Children, go, walk boldly in the world today and when you are tempted, turn away. Don’t let the evil ensnare you and if you become ensnared, by your choice, then quickly humble yourself and repent. Call on the name of My Son. Go and sit with Him and receive the Grace, Mercy. I have provided the Way for you. I know your weakness. Because of My Grace I have provided a Way. Practice My Ways. Do My Ways. Be quick, be quick to respond to My Ways. I set a Glorious day before you today! So Come My Children, enjoy the day! Be Victorious in this day! I have already given you the Victory!


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