Be Careful Where You Take Your Counsel

Word for November 22nd, 2020

Be Careful Where You Take Your Counsel
Daily Word

As you travel down the path of life, be careful where you take your counsel. Your counsel needs to be only in Me and through Me. So where do you find that? Well, you know - in My Word, through others inspired words, to those things spoken directly to you from My Heart. To those things that I have spoken over the ages are also from My Heart. They are also true today. So receive them all, for they are all for you. Be wise where you seek your counsel. Any counsel I give to you will resonate in you as truth. If it doesn't, set it aside. Continue to pray. Maybe your ears need to be opened to hear. So don't be quick to throw something out, but don't be quick just to receive something, unless you know it is truly the Spirit in you hearing Me.


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