Work Together in the Body of Christ
Word for November 17th, 2021
Take heed that you walk in My Ways. For if you know My Ways and just speak that you're walking My Ways, but not doing and walking in My Ways, you are deceiving yourself when you say, "I am walking the path of God." I do not want you deceiving yourself. So the things that you say you're doing, to yourself or to others or to Me, make sure you're doing them. Don't just say it. Do it. I need you to be 'doing it,' especially at these times, for your sake and for those around you and for the church and for the nations. Rise up and do the things I have taught you to do. Encourage those around you to do the same. I have not put you here alone. I have put you here in the Body. Learn to work together according to My Ways in the Body, for there is Peace, there is Love, there is Power, there is ALL!