Cyberspace vs Real Relationships

Word for October 15th, 2020

Cyberspace vs Real Relationships
Daily Word

Cyberspace, why are you so concerned about cyberspace? Your connections on cyberspace - be not concerned about those. Look at your real connections. What are your thoughts about your real connections? My thoughts as I look upon you and see where are you connected with your family, your Brothers and Sisters in Christ - it all starts your connection with My Son, My Son, Jesus. The fruit of the Spirit that flows from knowing Him is what you offer in your other relationships, your real relationships. So many, many relationships created on cyberspace are masked. You’re hiding. You’re not really connected. In My Church you gather, you gather, but are you developing relationships in the Mighty Name of Jesus? Consider that! Consider what I consider real relationships, real binding together. The disciples went forth with the power of the Holy Spirit in them. They had had a relationship with Jesus and when they received that Power and they went to in the world to spread the Gospel, to heal and deliver and set the captives free, to teach about the Love of Jesus - to do that they had to know the Love of Jesus. They had to know what He taught in the best way they could and then they had the Power of the Holy Spirit always with them to draw on, to listen to, to speak from in the name of Jesus. So consider, My Children, going back to the roots of what true relationship is. From there, blocks between one another will fall. True Oneness in Me will happen among you, and My Mighty Power will be released through My Church. Refocus. Refocus yourself to the things that really matter and be not deceived. I love you My Children! I love you My Children!


Be Careful How You Pray


Sorrow Lasts but for a Time - My Joy is Everlasting