When the Winds of My Spirit Blow Strong
Word for September 10th, 2021
When the Winds of My Spirit blow Strong, it will come against things in the Church that need to be blown and blown over and blown away. For things have grown in My Church that have not been according to My Ways or are now also getting in the way of the New Movement I Am doing. So the Wind comes to take away things that need to be let go of, but it also comes and stirs awake New Things, causing them to rise up and be awake. They are open to receive New Things. Some in the Church are not open to receive right now. Maybe they will change. Maybe they will come to understand that I Am Moving in a New Way and they will embrace it. So be prepared for the Wind, for it is happening and it's going to happen more. So if you feel the Wind coming and it tosses and ruffles your feathers, your hair, your sense of what things should be like, be prepared to let Me Move and you adapt to Me. If you're listening you will know it is I. It is I in the Wind. So don't be dismayed when you see things falling, shaking. Just know I Am Moving and pray. Pray. Pray My People. Pray!