The Castaways are Lost at Sea

Word for September 11th, 2021


The castaways are floating out to sea and they are lost. Some know they are lost. Some have created a world around them to convince themselves that they're not lost, but those castaways know Me. Whether they're ignoring Me, running away from Me or just feeling lost, they need you to call out across the sea, to send My Voice, the Living Word that comes from your belly, your spirit, and echoes across the waters. The sound of My Voice across the waters goes far, reaches far. I want you, My Child, My Church, to speak Living Waters out across the water to those that are castaways. Do not be discouraged. Do not think, 'Well I've already spoken. I've already spoken.' That's wrong thinking, for it's I that speaks through you that is the Living Word. So I call you to speak. Know when I call you to speak and speak forth. For it is I that rescue My People, but I call you to speak, to release My Power in the world in the Mighty Name of Jesus!


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