Be Gentle with One Another

Word for September 7th, 2021


Be gentle with one another when you speak among yourselves. The world is such a harsh place that you need to speak to one another with gentleness, with kindness. Whatever you have to speak, whatever I have given you to speak, you speak in love. You consider all things. You consider others esteemed higher than you. That keeps you humble. That keeps you in a place of loving and when you are loving, you will speak with gentleness and kindness even if you have a word of correction. Your fierceness goes against the evil one. Your gentle and kindness goes towards one another. So, My Children, do all things in love and remember to be kind, to be gentle when you speak to one another. It is a healing oil that falls upon them.


One Foot on the Rock and One Foot on the Slippery Slope


Don't Stand Against the evil one on Your Own, Let Us Stand with You and You Will Have the Victory!