I Give you Peace in the Storm
In the midst of the storm, no matter how fierce you perceive the storm to be, I give you Peace.
Fortitude Builds in You as You Stand in Me
Fortitude builds in you every time you face something that's challenging and instead of depending on yourself, you depend on Me, for I am your strength.
I Call you to Pray
I Call you to pray. When I Call you to pray, you hear it, it rises up within you, there becomes a knowing
I Speak Today and Knit you all Together
Thank you, My People, for showing up. For showing up to hear My Speaking to you, for I do speak today.
Be Thankful for One Another
Be thankful, not only just for Me, but be thankful for each other.
See my Holiness in One Another
When you Worship Father, Son, Holy Spirit, when you truly Worship you've turned your face and heart to Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
Forsake not Gathering Together
Forsake not gathering together in My Name, for in My Name you are gathering in one accord.
Take your Eyes off Yourself and See Others
My Sons and Daughters, as you go forth today, you go about your day from the moment that you wake up.
New Day, New Year, Rise Up my Church
Gather in the name of My Son, gather My Church. I desire you to gather together so that I can knit you together 'cause today is a New Day.
Give Peace to One Another
The winds may blow, the waves rock your boat, but always remember I am with you. Everyone goes through rocky seas. Some have been through many and know that I have always been with them.
Come Bless Me
Come and Bless Me. Come and gather to Bless Me. I call you to gather to Bless Me so then you learn how to Bless each other.
Stir Up My Fire
Stop, drop and roll. Stop, drop and roll. You've learned in the world to stop, drop and roll when you are on fire.
Love One Another and Spread the Gospel in All the World
I have called you to love, to love your Brothers and Sisters, to love the Gospel and go forth and spread the Gospel in all the world. You don’t have to go very far to spread the Gospel.