Walk With Me!
Walk with Me, in the cool of the morning
Trust in Me, for I am your Saviour
Lean on Me, for I hold you up
Love Me, as I have loved you
My Words are Bookends for Your Day
Begin with the Word and end with the Word. They are bookends for your day.
My Grace is Sufficient for You
Today, I have given you Grace. Grace to walk in all the things I have called you to walk in…so don’t be afraid to look and see what I have called you to hear.
Trust in Me - I am Your Stronghold
Trust in Me, My Child, My Church, for I am your Stronghold. I have a place under My Wing for you. I call you to rest there, to stay there.
My Compassion Unto You is Never Ending
My compassion unto you is never ending. It flows upon you and within you. I know every thought, every troubling feeling, every pain that besets you, for I am your God Who loves you and cares for you.
I Have Not Left You Nor Harmed You
Majesty! Worship My Majesty! Think on Me. Hand your day over to Me, My Love. Never have I failed you. Through thick and thin I have not left you nor harmed you.
Come and Receive from Me
I call you to silence. Quieten your mind and come to Me and be with Me. There, you are restored by My presence. There, I speak to you and reveal mysteries to you.
I Take You by the Hand and Lead You Deeper
Today I take you by the hand and lead you into deeper Truths because you have shown yourself ready to embrace New Life.
Prosperity in Knowing Me
Prosperity is the fullness of Me. Knowing Me fills you with prosperity for I am prosperous. Prosperity is wholeness of life - health, wealth, love, faith, joy, peace, resting in Me.
When You Walk with Me, Stand Tall
When you walk with Me, stand tall. Submitting is not a feeling of being beneath Me, for I have raised you up. It is about honouring Me and knowing that I know the Way and want to show you the Way, so we walk it out together.
Glorious Living I Have for You
Glorious Living I have for you - Joy, Peace, Love, Victory, Everlasting Life. Glorious living is for you. I have given it to you, given you all I AM.
Celebrate the Day I Have Given You
Today is a day to be celebrated! To celebrate the life I have given you and your family, the family of God, of Me. When you look into the day as a day I have given you, you are prompted to change your attitude, your viewpoint to My viewpoint.
I Am Jehovah Shalom - Peace I Give to You
You often think of Peace as just a saying. Just as saying, “Bless you,” can be something to say, rather than an intentional, heartfelt speaking to the spirit and soul of another child of God.
I Am Jehovah Jireh, Your Provider
I am Jehovah Jireh, your provider. You hesitate to step into the provision I have created for you. You don't trust Me as your provider because of past life experiences, but you are created new now, and the things of the past are passed away.
Forever is a Part of the Present
Forever and ever is an endless time. You sometimes see it as all in the future, but it is also right now. All the promises of forever and ever are also here right now. Forever is a part of the present.
I Call You By Name - My Plan is in Your Name
I call you by name. You know My Name and I know your name. Calling each other by name is powerful for it speaks to the wholeness of what is and what is to come.
Arise into Heavenly Places and Receive All I Have for You
Come and bow down before Me to receive My blessings upon you. Honour Me and I will lift you up to honourable positions granted to you by Me - My place for you created before the beginning of time - timeless places designed for you.
Inspired Message and Word: Are You Looking for Peace and Joy? (Copy)
I will show you Who Jesus is...truly is. I will open your eyes to the Word, My Word, so you will know Jesus and minister in His Name, the Name above all names.
Forget Me Not!
Forget Me not - the flower forget-me-nots; what a beautiful name for a flower. Yes, enter the beauty of forgetting Me not.