Who are you Hiding From?
No need to hide! Who are you hiding from? No need to hide from Me, for I already know. If you feel ashamed to come into My Presence…that's a lie. You need not be…
Let Me Guide You Back to Calm
Let Me guide you back to calm. In the midst of your turmoil, reach out to Me. Call on Me. Take My hand. Listen to Me speak and guide you back to calm. For I speak to you about…
Turn Your Face to Me
Turn your face to Me and you will be in the Glory, for I Am always with you. I Am Glory! So turn your face to Me. Then you will 'see and know' the Glory that you so seek after. It is so very simple. To turn towards Me, you must…
New Day New Life
New day, new life, for this indeed is the day that I have made. And if I have made something, it is good! This day is…
Lean on Me
You experience some days like a roll coaster ride - up and down and around, this way and that way. But remember…
Special Moments
Special moments will cross your path if you're expecting them, if you're looking for them, if your heart is open. There will be special encounters in many…
I Call My Sheep by Name
I call My sheep by name. I have known them from the beginning of the time. Nothing will change that. My sheep hear My voice. But just because they hear My voice does not mean they…
Travel with Me Up the Mountain
The desire of My heart is to have you eagerly travel with Me up the mountain...up the mountain to the mountaintop. To travel up the mountain with Me requires you to be…
Do Not Hide From Me
Do not hide from Me, hiding your imperfections, for I already know all your imperfections and yet I love you in a way that you will only begin to understand until we are…
I Am Your Breath of Life
I Am all that you need. I Am the breath you breathe. I Am in the sounds you hear. I whisper your name. In all that you see, My…
From Caterpillar to Butterfly
A caterpillar doesn't know it's going to evolve into a cocoon. In the cocoon state, it doesn't know that it's going to transform into a butterfly. The same miraculous work that I do in nature, I am also doing in you. You will…
I Am Always Speaking
My child, when you truly listen...when you truly listen and want to hear, then you will hear Me speak. You will hear Me speak in many ways. It may be a thought that comes to you. It may be…
For There I Am
Enter into My Stillness, for everything that you need is in My Stillness. Why Do you keep scattering yourself here and there and here and there and here and there, trying to…
Try It and You Will See It
There are many, many benefits of walking with Me. Many benefits. You've read about them - peace, love, joy... You've heard…
Mind to Heart
Don't be so quick to read My Word or listen to My Word because when you just quickly listen you're only listening in your mind. But when you meditate, think upon, feel into the Word then…
Rest Deeply in Me
When you rest, choose to rest deeply in Me. When you remember that I Am always with you and that I have everything to give to you, including deep rest, then you…
Receive My Living Water
Have you ever stood under the flow of a waterfall? Some fall pretty ferociously and some more gently. But have you stood under one where you just felt covered, where you felt the moving of it over you? I tell you again this day that every day the throne of God is…
Make the Time
I hear you say, "I don't have time." I say, 'Make the time.' There is great benefit in making the time for Me. Setting aside time for Me is a…