Reconcile Yourself to Me Daily
Word for August 20th, 2020
Reconcile yourself to Me daily. Check to see if you have moved away from My ways, birthed within you when I created you a new creature. Your choices move you deeper in My ways or away from My ways. Sin, and allowing yourself to be drawn away by the temptation presented daily by the evil one, leads to the path of death. I am your Bread of Life. Eat of Me. I am the Drink to satisfy your thirst. You have 'tasted and seen' this is true, yet you wander away seeking the desires of the flesh. When will you learn? Stop with the defiance. I am the Way the Truth and the Life. So now what? Open your eyes, repent, humble yourself and run back to Me for I always await you and receive you over and over and over again. Forever I will receive you, My child. Grow up into the things I have called you to do. Cling to Me and My power will arise in you and then you will be the shining light the world needs to see. Go child and be the shining light of Me in the world. We are One. You and I are One.