Our Lord has Something to Say Today
Words heard, live-recorded, and transcribed by Carolyn
Clean, Pure Heart
How clean and pure is your heart this day? Have you allowed offence, unforgiveness, bitterness, rebellion to creep into your heart? And then when you see it, you don’t…
Humble Yourself Before Me
Humble yourself before Me. Humble yourself daily. It should be the first thing that you do upon waking. I should be your first…
Don’t Hide Out (Copy)
Washing your hands and feet before coming before Me is a symbolic reference to repenting and asking forgiveness. To search your heart and ask forgiveness for what you have…
The Sting of a Scorpion
The sting of a scorpion can be lethal. You have been stung by others. Their words. Their actions. And the venom feels so deep, so destructive to…
Don’t Hide Out
Don’t hide out in your closet. That closet is only to be used to honour Me as a prayer closet. But you have hidden things. Hidden dark things about…
Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk
Don’t cry over spilled milk. There are many times you are going to be disappointed by many things. Things you’ve…
Your daily act of forgiveness is a key to Me pouring My Blessings upon you. It is so important to search your heart daily. Because throughout the…
Deal with Unforgiveness
If you deal with unforgiveness quickly, then you will not be at risk of developing bitterness within yourself that will...
Walking on Stilts
If you are walking on stilts, you are at a greater risk of falling. And the falling will certainly hurt. Whereas if you’re...