The Sting of a Scorpion

Word for November 30th, 2024

The sting of a scorpion can be lethal.  You have been stung by others.  Their words.  Their actions.  And the venom feels so deep, so destructive to you.  But remember that you also, through your words and actions, have stung others and hurt others deeply.  So what does one do?  Don’t ruminate about the hurt.  Don’t let offence and resentment build.  Instead, very quickly step into forgiveness.  Letting go.  Don’t ruminate.  But let it go.  And then, if there is an open door to reconcile with the other, then do so.  But the worst thing you can do is let the venom stay within, for it will destroy.  I came that you would have life, not death.  So choose life.  The life that I offer to you.  The freedom I offer to you.  That is all rooted in love.


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