Grieve Not the Holy Spirit
Word for January 25th, 2021
Grieve not the Holy Spirit that I have placed within you, that I have filled you with. It is the Power within you that you need to obey and call forth to speak, to act, to Love in My Name. I want you only to be speaking and doing by the Holy Spirit; not by your flesh, not being influenced by the evil one, but to move according to the Holy Spirit Who takes His direction from Me. So when you seek Me and desire to do only what I have called you to do, then you've opened the door for the Holy Spirit to be directing you and leading you and speaking through you and taking action through you, and My Mighty Love flows through you. When you grieve the Holy Spirit is when you are acting or speaking out of your own flesh that's motivated by pride or needing to be 'right,' which is also pride. The motivation behind speaking or acting, even when on the surface it looks good…"Well, I'm talking about the Word of God. I'm doing 'right' actions. Therefore, it must be OK. It must be good." Well it isn't. That is not empowered by Me. You may be doing it, but there is no power in it and, in fact it can be causing harm. I tell you to speak when I've told you to speak, to do when I've called you to do, by My Spirit leading you, not by your thinking or your insecurities, but by My Spirit. So do not grieve the Holy Spirit. Partner with the Holy Spirit for He is always there to help you, to empower you, to step with you as you step forward. You are never alone. When I have called you and you step into it, He is right there with you. He is the One that enables you to do what I've called you to do and that's what I want you doing - doing what I've called you to do. So, watch yourself, your thoughts, your motivations and see what still needs to be dealt with within you and then ask the Holy Spirit to help you do that, to tear those things down, so that you are doing what I've called you to do.