Don't Shrink Away

Word for June 14th, 2023

Don't shrink away from the ministry I have called you to.  You can be tempted to shrink away out of fear, out of feeling you don't know what to do.  Well that part is true.  You don't, until I tell you.  For it's only when I move in you in your ministry that My Life flows through you.  So it is not dependent on just you separate from Me, but abiding in Me, open to  My Leading, letting the power of the Holy Spirit move through you.  That is you acting on your ministry.  So don't shrink back.  You have a long list of reasons why you would choose to do that.  I tell you...stop!  Don't shrink back.  Instead step in and trust Me.  Trust Me!  Trust Me!  I Am the only One that is truly trustworthy.


Be A Good Gardener


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