Don't Script What You Say or Do

Word for October 20th, 2022

When you are moving with Me, you don't have to script what you're going to say or do. You move into the saying and the doing. It is a way of life. The deeper you step into that, the more you will see that the most important piece (and I say this to you over and over and over) is walking with Me, open to the moving of the Spirit in you. When you move from there, you don't have to worry about what you're going to say or do. You'll be led to speak. You'll be led to take action. And don't think that that's just on big things, big decisions, big needing to speak. It's often the most powerful things that you say, in My Name, can be said very quietly, in the moment, with one person. And that can change their life, for it is Power that moves. It is My Power that brings change. So yes, you may find yourself speaking from a pulpit to many. I too can guide you then to speak. But it's every time you speak, every time you take action. You walk in My Power...Miracles happen!


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