I Am Knitting You Together into a Strong Rope

Word for February 18th, 2022

Oh My Children, I Am knitting you together. I have done knitting already. I will continue to knit you together. Submit to that knitting. Let Me knit you together. Cooperate with Me in the knitting together. For it is like a strong rope, a strong rope on a ship raising and lowering the anchor. That rope has to be so strong. It is woven together tightly, specifically. I knit you together specifically. Each strand is important on it's own, but when it's knit together there is a strength, there is a solidness in being knitted together. So when a rope is raising and lowering the anchor over and over and over, the edges of the rope can become frayed. What do you do when the group I have knit you together in, edges become frayed? Well, there's where you apply the oil. You have the right to apply the oil in the name of Jesus upon your life and the lives of others. The healing oil, it keeps Us together, the oil, the oil, applying the oil, smoothing down the edges, empowering the rope to work smoothly. So welcome the power of the Holy Spirit everyday for yourself and pray that power, release that power over those that you are being knit together with, those you are already knit together with, those that you don't even know that I've already knit you together. Because I have a great and mighty plan that you do not see to bring those together. Remember, it is My Church. It is My Church and those strands are everywhere in the world. I'm knitting them together. Submit to that. Receive the oil everyday.


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